Archive for the Politics Category

Roger Ebert on US health care

Posted in Politics with tags , , , , on 18 August, 2009 by Ally

The notion of “universal health care” does not mean “socialized medicine.” It means just what it seems to mean. America is the only developed nation on earth that does not provide it. Why does it inspire such virulent opposition? Who is behind it? It is opposed mostly from the far right, whose enthusiasm seems to be encouraged by financial support from some (not all) insurance companies. Those companies have priced American insurance out of the reach of millions.

~ Roger Ebert, 2009

Roger Ebert’s latest article is a beacon of reason in a whirlwind of ill-informed, bitter polemic. There is nothing I can add, so I simply urge you to read it.

Read “Death Panels. A most excellent term” by Roger Ebert.